Source:AKG 391's -> Sampson Mixpad 4 -> JB3 Lineage: JB3 -> USB -> Soundforge v6.0(Fades,boost) -> CD Wave Editor v1.76 -> shorten-3.5.1 -> shn
Author and Provider: Eric Mac Innis
01. Reading 14:07
02. My First Rock Show 4:13
03. Song Ain't Good 4:30
04. The List 4:25
05. The Land Is Wild 6:28
06. Moncton Hellraisers 5:10
07. Me And Stupid 4:29
08. Horses 6:31
09. The Ballad Of Zeke Roberts 7:48
10. Reading 9:09
Total Time: 1:06:50
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